One becomes qualified to hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam after many pious deeds

Those who are fit to assimilate this work are mentioned in this śloka:

From the First Canto, First Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Questions by the Sages.”

dharmaḥ projjhita-kaitavo ‘tra paramo nirmatsarāṇāṁ satāṁ
vedyaṁ vāstavam atra vastu śivadaṁ tāpa-trayonmūlanam
śrīmad-bhāgavate mahā-muni-kṛte kiṁ vā parair īśvaraḥ
sadyo hṛdy avarudhyate ‘tra kṛtibhiḥ śuśrūṣubhis tat-kṣaṇāt

dharmaḥ—religiosity; projjhita—completely rejected; kaitavaḥ—covered by fruitive intention; atra—herein; paramaḥ—the highest; nirmatsarāṇām—of the one-hundred-percent pure in heart; satām—devotees; vedyam—understandable; vāstavam—factual; atra—herein; vastu—substance; śivadam—well-being; tāpa-traya—threefold miseries; unmūlanam—causing uprooting of; śrīmat—beautiful; bhāgavate—the Bhāgavata Purāṇa; mahā-muni—the great sage (Vyāsadeva); kṛte—having compiled; kim—what is; vā—the need; paraiḥ—others; īśvaraḥ—the Supreme Lord; sadyaḥ—at once; hṛdi—within the heart; avarudhyate—become compact; atra—herein; kṛtibhiḥ—by the pious men; śuśrūṣubhiḥ—by culture; tat-kṣaṇāt—without delay.

Completely rejecting all religious activities which are materially motivated, this Bhāgavata Purāṇa propounds the highest truth, which is understandable by those devotees who are fully pure in heart. [Read More…]

“I”mpersonalism cancelled meme

(by Vibhisana Vidura Vani)



…No Ordinary Man Being Able To Understand Them…

Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī said:

“O King, kindly hear me with great attention. Although the activities of the Supreme Lord are very confidential, no ordinary man being able to understand them, I shall speak about them to you, for spiritual masters explain to a submissive disciple even subject matters that are very confidential and difficult to understand.” [Read More…]

Public Service Announcement meme

(by Vibhisana Vidura Vani)



Prabhupada predicted 3 things


Prabhupada predicted 3 things:
his poisoning 2 years early, Gandhi’s inglorious death 6 months before, & WTC towers collapse



Prabhupada predicted inglorious death of Gandhi

In the following letter to Mahatma Gandhi, Srila Prabhupada advised him to retire from active politics and warned him that if he did not do so, an inglorious death was waiting for him. In this letter, which was written nearly six months prior to his assassination, Srila Prabhupada had proposed that if the Mahatma wanted to do some real good to the people in general all over the world, then he must give up the rotten politics immediately and rise up for the preaching work of the philosophy and religion of “Bhagavad-gita’. But unfortunately, the Mahatma did not pay any attention to the solemn advice of Srila Prabhupada. Had he acceded to Prabhupada’s noble counsel, he would have been saved from dying an inglorious death. [Read More…]


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