Eternal Success (Meme)

(by Vibhisana Vidura Vani)



We shall silently pray for them to Krishna and shed Tears for them

Letter to: Umapati

23 November, 1967

My Dear Umapati,

Please accept my blessings. I am so glad to receive your letter dated 15th Nov. 1967. You’re very anxious to see me back in New York and I may inform you that I had settled to be in San Francisco on the 24 of Nov. but due to a petty revolution in Calcutta I am not able to leave. Future arrangements are pending. I wish to go from San Francisco to the other two new branches and then return to New York.

I am so glad to learn that you are now getting the fruit of chanting Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna is so nice that it clears the dirty things from the mind of the devotee and the more one is used to chant the Holy Name offenselessly, the more one develops love of God, forgetting the whole material nonsense. [Read More…]

A Real C.P.O (Meme)

(by Vibhisana Vidura Vani)



I am pleased to learn of your Spirit of Protest, but sometimes we have to tolerate

Letter to: Pradyumna, Satsvarupa, Jadurani

21 November, 1967

My Dear Pradyumna, Satsvarupa and Jadurani,

Please accept my blessings. I have received your letters but have no time to reply them in detail as I am busy making hasty preparations to leave for the USA. I shall arrive on 24th November, 12:45 P.M. San Francisco time.

Killing proposal is not good. We have to kill them with arguments and reasons not with sticks and weapons. [Read More…]

On patrol (Meme)

(by Vibhisana Vidura Vani)




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